Regardless of how one feels about France’s banning of the burka, this is significant movement within England. We can thank UKIP for this. At least the nation is embarking upon a debate:
Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat, said there needs to be a national debate about whether the state should step in to protect young women from having the veil “imposed” on them.
Mr Browne said he is “instinctively uneasy” about banning behaviour, but suggested the measure may still be necessary to ensure freedom of choice for girls in Muslim communities.
The Home Office minister is the first senior Liberal Democrat to raise such deep concerns about Islamic dress in public places. A growing number of Conservative MPs also want the Government to consider a ban.
Here’s the good part. Even the Home Office is on board.
Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, has suggested he may support banning the veil in classrooms, but downplayed the chances of wider restrictions…
The debate was given momentum last week when David Cameron’s spokesman said the Prime Minister would have no problem with the veil being banned in his children’s schools…
Bob Neill, a vice-chairman of the Conservative Party, backed Mr Browne’s call for a national debate about a ban. “I do think we need to have a serious conversation about it,” he said.
Meanwhile, stateside, The Organizer responds to the France slaughter by releasing more Gitmo detainees, and continues his hilarious semantic two-step, looking increasingly like Al Jolson as he tries to avoid using the word “Islamic”.