8 Bit Cinema: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

I’m old enough to remember videogames that looked like this. And The Life Aquatic is one of my favorite films of the past 20 years. From the creators of this faux video game:

CineFix presents The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou retold via old-school game tech. Okay, this one’s mostly 16-Bit, but there were so many colors and textures to show!

It’s the video game you never knew was missing from your childhood! Really – never knew!

8-bit Cinema “gamifies” your favorite Hollywood Blockbusters into 80’s arcade and NES inspired action!

Today we present The Life Aquatic in the form of an old-school video game! This one’s 16-bit, but we’re calling it 8-Bit, ‘cause that’s the name of the show!

8 Bit a.k.a. the third generation of gaming started in 1983 with the Japanese release of the Nintendo Family Computer and Sega. Can you guess what games inspired our 8-bit version of The Life Aquatic?

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