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Category Archives: TV
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
As the Alt-Right, and white identity politics in general, grows in size as a counter-cultural force, we can expect The Cathedral to portray this phenomenon through satire. In proportion to the rate of Alt-Right growth, progressive satire will posses proportionally … Continue reading
Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World (2017)
Rebelling against the power and corruption of The Vatican, Martin Luther exploited the social media of the era (the Guttenberg printing press), using sometimes crude and bombastic language to repudiate the base assumptions of the elite power structure of his … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, TV
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Game of Thrones
Due to S07 discussion of the show being absolutely everywhere in culture, and alll seasons of the show having over 95% ratings on RottenTomatoes, I decided to finally try watching Game of Thrones (GOT). The first thing I discovered is … Continue reading
Murdoch Progeny
From The Hill: James Murdoch, the CEO of 21st Century Fox and son of conservative media magnate Rupert Murdoch, ripped President Trump’s response to violence in Charlottesville, Va., last weekend, also pledging a $1 million donation to the Anti-Defamation League … Continue reading
From Breitbart: For the first time ever, MSNBC’s Wednesday programming topped all cable networks in total viewers. CNN was fourth behind Nickelodeon. FNC needs to dump the awful Specialists show (easy to do now, given Bolling’s suspension and Eboni revealing … Continue reading
Gavin McInnes vs FNC
I missed this from Feb, but it looks like Gavin McInnes has had a falling out with Gutfeld and, by extension, FNC:
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Stay Classy, CBS
Late night TV hosts used to be folks like Johnny Carson (which Fallon is closest to, despite pressure on him to bash Trump more), but last night we had Stephen Colbert saying of Trump: “The only thing your mouth is … Continue reading
You Can’t Cuck the Tuck!
I’m really enjoying Tucker Carlson’s new show on that dinosaur, FNC. The best parts of the show are when he has a liberal guest on, and proceeds to calmly deploy Socratic debating techniques to pin them down, to force them … Continue reading