Cuban-American White Supremacist

Our good friends at the SPLC and ADL, who find racist bogeymen around every corner, are now after Roan Garcia-Quintana, who, like George Zimmerman, is a ‘white hispanic’. As reported by the smarmy & zealous lib Tommy Christopher:

Oh, Republican governors! When they’re not losing track of the one Latina they hired, they’re digging up a Latino white supremacist to serve on their reelection committees. Governor Nikki Haley (R-SC) has come under fire this week after the Southern Poverty Law Center noticed that one member of her “Grassroots Steering Committee,” Roan Garcia-Quintana, is a board member of the Council of Conservative Citizens, which SPLC calls a “white nationalist hate group.”

MSNBC’s Rev. Al Sharpton reported on Gov. Hayley’s pal on last night’s PoliticsNation, citing the SPLC, which, when convenient, conservatives like to label as partisan. However, even the Anti-Defamation League calls the CofCC a “white suprema­cist” organization, and reported on Garcia-Quintana’s membership last month.

Roan Garcia-Quintana, a direc­tor of the white suprema­cist Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens (CofCC), is closely tied to anti-immigrant orga­ni­za­tions in the United States. Garcia-Quintana is a well-known leader in the CofCC, a group descended from the White Cit­i­zens Coun­cils, which opposed deseg­re­ga­tion of schools dur­ing the Civil Rights era.

He is a fre­quent speaker at CofCC regional events and national con­fer­ences. The CofCC has called mixed-race mar­riage “the mon­gre­liza­tion of the races” and is openly hos­tile to immi­gra­tion. The CofCC state­ment of prin­ci­ples says, “We there­fore oppose the mas­sive immi­gra­tion of non-European and non-Western peo­ples into the United States that threat­ens to trans­form our nation into a non-European major­ity in our lifetime.”…

Garcia-Quintana also told the Post and Courier that he doesn’t pay attention to the SPLC, and denied he is a racist. “If I were a racist, I don’t think I would be supporting somebody like Nikki Haley who appointed a black man (Tim Scott) to the U.S. Senate,” he told Behre.

The smarmy Tommy Christopher actually refers to Quintana as a “Cuban-American White Supremacist”.

You can’t make this stuff up.

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