In “Visualizing Neoreaction“, the Habitable Worlds blog has an interesting post on the growing smorgasbord of ‘neoreactionary movement’ (of which the blog of yours truly would be defined as). Hat tip: HBD Chick.
It’s a sign of maturity that the neoreactionary movement has begun to go “meta” on itself. Scholars of the Dark Enlightenment are beginning to ask self-reflexive questions about who they are, where divisions lie, and what it all means.
1. AnomalyUK frames neoreaction as a critique of the abstract ideals of democracy, justice, and equality.
2. Nick Land charts three paths in neoreaction: traditional theonomists, ethno-nationalists, and techno-commercialists.
3. Spandrell charts more or less the same paths: religious/traditionalist, ethnic/nationalist, and futurist/capitalist.
4. At Thumotic, Frost categorizes neoreactionaries as secular, Christian, and nihilistic.
Best of all, Habitable Worlds provides a ‘topography of Neoreactionary Space’: