
From the hilariously leftist and pomo world of academia, as reported by the NYT:

The philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah, known for his wide-ranging and accessible writings on cosmopolitanism, identity and global ethics, will be leaving Princeton for New York University at the end of the year.

Mr. Appiah will have appointments in N.Y.U.’s law school and philosophy department and will divide his time between New York and the university’s 12 international sites, including its degree-granting branches in Abu Dhabi,United Arab Emirates, and Shanghai.

There’s also this little detail that, naturally, the Times writer feels compelled to write about:

The move to N.Y.U., Mr. Appiah said in an interview, was driven partly by family reasons. (He and his husband, Henry Finder, the editorial director of The New Yorker, live in Manhattan.)

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