Did “King Kong” (1933) Create Nessie?

Here’s an interesting sociological angle regarding the Loch Ness Monster mythos:

New research from America’s Columbia University suggests the sightings in northern Scotland were triggered by the release of the 1933 classic, which, along with the giant rampaging gorilla, also featured a long-necked, hump-backed lake creature.

Author Daniel Loxton says the first reported sighting of a ‘plesiosaur-like dinosaur’ in the Loch was made by Londoner George Spicer in August 1933 – when King Kong was playing to packed cinemas in the UK…

Marine biologist Adrian Shine, who has studied the Loch for more than 40 years, backed Mr Loxton’s theory.

He said: ‘I believe that King Kong was the main influence behind the “Jurassic Park” hypothesis at Loch Ness. Before Spicer’s sighting there were no long-neck reports at all.’

On a trip to the U.K. in 2008, I visited Loch Ness.

On a half-hour boat ride around the Loch, you can be sure I was visually scanning the water for any unusual signs or movements.

Like Mulder, I wanted to believe.

I still do.

Loch Ness

Loch Ness

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