Diversity in the Classroom

Inés Hardoy & Pål Schøne. “Does the Clustering of Immigrant Peers Affect the School Performance of Natives?Journal of Human Capital, Spring 2013, Pages 1-25.


We analyze whether the proportion of immigrant students affects the school performance of natives in secondary school, measured by dropout. To derive causal statements, we construct a time-varying school quality indicator exploiting potential random variation in the number of immigrants within the same school. The results reveal a positive and significant relationship between the proportion of immigrants and the dropout rate of natives. It is only with larger proportions of immigrants that we find significant peer effects. Regarding the mechanisms of influence, our results point to the importance of peer quality.

How immigrant children affect the academic achievement of native Dutch children”, Asako Ohinata & Jan van Ours. Economic Journal, forthcoming.


In this paper, we analyze how the share of immigrant children in the classroom affects the educational attainment of native Dutch children. Our analysis uses data from various sources, which allow us to characterize educational attainment in terms of reading literacy, mathematical skills and science skills. Our results suggests that Dutch students face a worse learning environment when they are studying with more immigrant students in the classroom. However, we do not find strong evidence of negative spill-over effects from the presence of immigrant children on the academic performance of the native Dutch students.

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