On my ever-growing ‘To Do’ list is to get a better understanding of Alexander Dugin’s philosophy, as his position appears to be integral to Putin’s foreign policy.
James Wald has a very good piece in The Occidental Observer on “Alexander Dugin on the Heartland versus the Heartless: The Neocon and Neoliberal Plan for Russia (and America)”
Wald’s embarks on his analysis of Dugin & Russia through the lens of Carl Schmitt:
… Schmitt speaks of the “the solid ground of the earth [as] delineated by fences, enclosures, boundaries, walls, houses, and other constructs,” these “boundaries” of course being key to the contestation now between globalists who insist on open doors and open markets on the one hand, and those who want functioning borders and some form of protectionism in trade deals on the other. Schmitt also cites the landed society’s emphasis on attachment to, “families, clans, [and] tribes,” the last of which the globalists are certainly opposed to (except in the case of their own ingroup).
Contrasted with the land-based people are the sea people who experience “no such apparent unity of space and law, of order and orientation … On the sea, fields cannot be planted and firm lines cannot be engraved. Ships that sail across the sea leave no trace” (42)…
As with Heideigger, Schmitt was not shy about addressing the Jewish Question, especially when citing Jews as an example of the quintessential, sea-based society (with antecedents naturally in the tale of the Wandering Jew). “In Schmitt’s presentation, the Jewish people, lacking a land and the corresponding ability to dwell in the land, also lack the status of being human” (Samuel Garret Zeitlin, “An Introduction to Land and Sea. Land and Sea: A World-Historical Meditation by Carl Schmitt. Telos, 2015, pp xxxi-lxix).
Liberalism and its economic and political system favor those with the rootless mentality over those who have attachments to anything beyond “the fields of economics and business” (276). This results in “creating a privileged society that advances a very specific type of individual (which the American sociologist Yuri Slezkine calls the ‘mercurial type’)” (276).
Yuri Slezkine, author of The Jewish Century, acknowledges that Jews fulfill this role and that they “provide services to peoples who produce food.” What Slezkine can’t or won’t say is that many of these “services” are not wanted or needed in the first place, have rapidly diminishing returns, and leave havoc in their wake.
To learn more about Dugin, head over to Arktos, AltRight.com, Counter-Currents and Radix Journal.