As the entirety of Syria and northern Africa illegally make their way through country after country, with Western Europe being their ultimate destination (I wonder why?), the ‘fascist’ Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, who among other things has called for (gasp) a fence, is a clarion call for white nationalism.
From The Guardian:
Hungary’s nationalist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has claimed Europe is in the grip of madness over immigration and refugees, and argued that he was defending European Christianity against a Muslim influx.
Orbán’s incendiary remarks came as he arrived in Brussels for a confrontation with EU leaders over his hardline policies in Europe’s biggest migration emergency since the second world war.
“Everything which is now taking place before our eyes threatens to have explosive consequences for the whole of Europe,” Orbán wrote in Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “Europe’s response is madness. We must acknowledge that the European Union’s misguided immigration policy is responsible for this situation.
Some select, revealing quotes from a WaPo article (“Hungary begins busing migrants to Austrian border”):
BUDAPEST — Sending Europe’s refugee crisis hurtling toward another country, Hungary’s leaders on Friday backed down from a confrontation with thousands of asylum-seekers, offering to bus the desperate migrants to the border with Austria.
The late-night offer came after days of efforts to repel the thousands of migrants fleeing war and poverty who have streamed into Hungary in a bid to reach Western Europe, where they hope to begin new lives. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban had painted his hard-line approach against the mostly Muslim asylum-seekers as a stand to preserve Europe as a Christian continent…
The vast majority of asylum-seekers arriving in Hungary simply want to move on to Germany and Sweden…
Hungary’s nationalist government enjoys broad public support…
Many nations have been less willing to accept asylum-seekers than Germany, which has said it expects 800,000 this year. Slovakia, for example, has said it will take only Christians…
The package of measures approved Friday by Hungary’s parliament made crossing or damaging the border fence a criminal offense, punishable by up to three years in prison.
As has been noted throughout the Identitarian blogosphere, we are witnessing the actualization of Jean Raspail’s 1973 novel The Camp of the Saints.