Ivy League Admissions

Here’s what it takes today to get into the big Ivy League schools:

When Ziad Ahmed was asked on his Stanford University application “What matters to you, and why?”, his answer was clear.

He wrote: “#BlackLivesMatter”, repeating the hashtag exactly 100 times to highlight the excessive use of police force which disproportionately kills black men and women.

The practising Muslim senior high school student in New Jersey has since been accepted to the prestigious University…

The Bangladeshi-American has already attended the White House Iftar dinner, a religious observance of Ramadan, and in 2016 he interned for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

To me, to be Muslim is to be a BLM ally, and I honestly can’t imagine it being any other way for me,” Mr Ahmed said.

“Furthermore, it’s critical to realise that one-fourth to one-third of the Muslim community in America are black… and to separate justice for Muslims from justices for the black community is to erase the realities of the plurality of our community.”…

He has also been accepted to Yale University and Princeton University, and must decide which school to attend by 1 May.


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