Looking for an Adventure

In a short post, Steve Sailer makes another stellar and unique observation on a huge and terribly important phenomenon (“Why Are the Young Men of Africa Flocking to Europe?”):

I tried looking up the news from Senegal to see if there was some sort of terrible disaster enfolding there that I hadn’t heard about, but most of the recent news from Senegal concerned how well the national soccer team is playing.

In reality, they go to Europe because they are looking forward to an adventure.

It’s perfectly understandable, but it doesn’t mean you have to let them in.

The illegal immigration into West Europe is overwhelmingly young men of fighting age.

That they see their trek (ensured by guaranteed welfare benefits) as an adventure, one where they will see exotic, blonde, scantily clad European women, encapsulates an entirely legitimate lens through which to see their travels.

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