Muslim ‘Refugees’ Escort a Young German Woman

Taharrush is the new form of rape culture Muslims are bringing into Europe.

Here is a German woman being dragged into Cologne’s subway bowels by Muslim ‘refugees’.

Listen to her screams.

They’re going to be hearing more of it soon in Germany, as only 10% of the mobile Muslim ‘refugees’ have yet arrived in Germany.

The Camp of the Saints is here.

CORRECTION (1/13/16): This video of Taharrush-in-action is apparently from an incident taking place in Egypt, the phenomenon being no less horrific. According to Infowars, “[t]he clip shows a blond-haired woman being set upon by a violent mob during protests against Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in Tahrir Square on June 30, 2013…The woman, later identified as a Dutch journalist, was taken to hospital with severe injuries.”

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