NBC news has a piece titled “France’s National Front Finds Support Among Millennials”. It profiles various millennials, such as this 18 year old:
Three weeks ago, he joined France’s far-right National Front.
“Certain media organizations stigmatize members of the National Front calling them fascists, insults that have nothing to do with the party’s program,” Faustini told NBC News.
Faustini is far from alone. Many millennials are embracing the National Front — which boasts a founder who had been fined repeatedly for racism and anti-Semitism. They say recent terrorist attacks across Europe and high unemployment levels validate their personal views and the party’s anti-immigration stance.
According to a report released by polling organization Odoxa on Dec. 16, the National Front is the political party with the most support among French people aged 18-34. Roughly one-in-five back it…
[Y]oung supporters say they feel vindicated by what they call the “wave” — Brexit, the election of Donald Trump and the Italian vote against constitutional reforms — sweeping across the West.
National Front activists call themselves “patriots” who care about French identity.
Bryan Masson, an 18-year-old student who runs the youth division of the National Front in Nice, recalled trembling with excitement as he watched Trump’s triumph…
Young party activists say that they believe many of their friends will vote for Le Pen in next year’s presidential election, even though they say it’s taboo for sympathizers to admit it.
Sound familiar?