Our Vision

From Reuters:

MEXICO CITY, Jan 17 (Reuters) – Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim’s cell-phone company, America Movil, said on Tuesday it would launch a television channel in the United States targeting Mexican audiences later this year, putting it into competition with broadcasters like Univision and Telemundo.

Named Nuestra Vision, the channel will be offered by the America Movil unit Publicidad y Contenido Editorial, the company said in a statement that was flanked by a promotional video online.

Nuestra Vision is focused on Mexicans, made by Mexicans and transmitted from Mexico,” said the voice-over for the video, which was studded with images and snapshots of Mexico.

… and will be consumed by Mexicans… er, I mean, ‘Mexican-Americans’… er, I mean, ‘Dreamers’…

Let the balkanization of America march on!

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