A minor, but telling, display of the overt jewish ethnocentrism that is socially acceptable when among jews (e.g., ‘JDate’), but inexorably deemed vicious, horrible and racist ‘white supremacism’ if practiced by WASPs:
Anthony Weiner’s shouting match with a voter, which went viral on Wednesday, appears to have been triggered by an incendiary comment made about the New York City mayoral candidate’s wife.
“Married to an Arab,” muttered a man in a lengthy video provided by the campaign, who also called Weiner a “scumbag.”
Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is a Muslim of Indian and Pakistani descent.
“That’s very nice,” Weiner said sarcastically. “In front of children.”
As Weiner walked out the door of a Jewish bakery, where he had been purchasing honey cake, the heckler continued, saying, “We’ll have a discussion, come back in here. I’m not afraid of you.”