Red, White, and Blue

While Obama and folks of his political persuasion want an end to the name ‘Redskins’, CBS reports some facts that don’t jibe with the ‘narrative’:

There are Native American schools that call their teams Redskins. The term is used affectionately by some natives, similar to the way the N-word is used by some African-Americans.

But, surely, still the vast majority of American-Indians (one of the many hyphenated-Americans) must be offended by the term ‘Redskins’, right?







From the same CBS story:

In the only recent poll to ask native people about the subject, 90 percent of respondents did not consider the term offensive…

That’s right. Only 10% of American-Indians find the term ‘Redskins’ offensive.

It’s yet another reflection of the truism that ‘racial sensitivity’ and political correctness is not for the benefit of minorities (who could really care less), but rather for the benefit of one demographic group: white liberals.

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