Sudden Jihad Syndrome – 8/28/16

Among today’s Sudden Jihad Syndrome episodes is one from Germany:

A couple at a German music festival have been attacked by a knifeman who witnesses claim was heard shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

A 66-year-old woman, believed to be the other victim’s wife, is said to be fighting for her life.

The other victim – a 57-year-old man – is seriously injured however he still managed to overpower the man who was then arrested by police officers in Oberhausen.

The attack took place just after 7pm on Saturday evening.

Police officers say the suspect is a 26-year-old from Duisburg, Germany.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia:

A Catholic priest has been stabbed while holding a Sunday service by an ISIS-inspired knifeman who then tried to set off an explosive device but failed.

Priest Albert Pandiangan was giving the mass in the city of Medan in Indonesia, located on the western island of Sumatra.

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