Peeling back the layers, it appears Jared Taylor was right.
John Cassidy provides good autopsy analysis of Scotland’s vote to stay in the U.K.:
[T]he “no” vote doesn’t fully resolve the independence issue—far from it. As I noted in an earlier post, the so-called devo-max option—which would grant the Scottish Parliament more power over taxes, spending, and other policy issues, and which many Scots are now expecting to be implemented—raises tricky questions about the future of Scottish M.P.s at Westminster, and, by extension, the future of the union. If Scotland becomes effectively a self-ruling country, what sort of representation should it have in the national Parliament?
Regarding a Tory-backed poll of the Scottish electorate:
[A]lmost three-quarters of the “no” voters had known how they would vote pretty much all along: only about a quarter of them made up their minds this year. The figures for “yes” voters were very different. More than half said that they had decided how to vote since the start of this year, and more than a third said that they had come to a decision within the past month. If this finding is accurate, it suggests a basic narrative for the campaign—that most of the late deciders were on the pro-independence side, but that there weren’t enough of them to change the result.
In terms of how the vote was distributed across Scotland, the pro-independence side did best in urban working-class neighborhoods, and the “no”s were strongest in small towns and rural areas, particularly in the south of the country. Glasgow and its environs, Scotland’s biggest metropolitan area, voted in favor of leaving Great Britain. So did Dundee, an industrial seaport on the Firth of Tay.
In the rest of the country, including in Edinburgh and Aberdeen, the second- and third-largest cities, a majority of participants voted “no.” Even in Highland, home to the fiery army that defeated the English at the Battle of Bannockburn, in the fourteenth century, the “yes” vote was under fifty per cent. Nowhere, though, did it dip below a third.