This Blows

And so we find out that Charles Blow’s son (of whom, a couple days ago, he went on an un-retractable Twitter rampage against ghosts) was stopped by… drumroll… a black cop, not a white one.

Imagine that.

From Breitbart:

Charles Blow, a black, left-wing New York Times columnist, took to Twitter and the pages of the Times to excoriate Yale and a campus police officer over his son being detained at gunpoint. Apparently, Blow’s son met the description of a campus burglar. After learning of the incident, an incensed Blow published a series of racially-charged Tweets followed by a racially-charged Times column…

…Blow tweeted, “This is exactly why I have no patience for people trying to convince me that the fear these young black men feel isn’t real.” Blow also tweeted out slogans associated with protests involving race and the police: “I can’t breathe” and “Black lives matter.”…

What Blow’s readers and Twitter followers weren’t told, though, was the race of the police officer in question.

As it turns out, the officer is black. Yale’s police chief is also black.

Blow, now feeling the heat, scrambles for cover, tweeting today:


F-ng pathetic.

If he wasn’t black, he’d lose his job at the NYT over this.

But this episode will be forgotten, and Sir Charles will in short order be back to his usual anti-white rhetoric.

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