Trump on ‘Death of the West’

The posts in VDARE by James Kirkpatrick are consistently excellent and on-point. His recent column is representative (“Who Really Understands The Threatened End Of Europe—Trump or Rubio?”):

In a recent interview with the conservative French magazine Valeurs Actuelles, the Republican frontrunner predicted mass immigration from Islamic nations would lead to the “end of Europe” [Trump gets backing on ‘end of Europe’ warning, WND, February 11, 2016]. Trump also predicted nothing less than “real revolutions” if there was not a change in policy—presumably as native Europeans rise up against their own treasonous leaders. [EXCLUSIF. Trump : “La France n’est plus ce qu’elle était”, by   André Bercoff, February 10, 2016]

The interview created headlines all around the world, notably in outlets like the London Daily Telegraph, Newsweek, and RT (formerly Russia Today). But despite mentions in The Blaze and WND (formerly WorldNetDaily), the Beltway Right seemed unconscious of a prediction of the imminent end of Western Civilization from the GOP’s leading contender for President.

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