WaPo: Trump Beats Expectations, Raises $51 Million in June

TrumpJokerI had been hoping Trump would court the small donor class. The idea of a billionaire asking regular Americans to donate $25 to his campaign might seem, to some, unconventional, but there is nothing really conventional about the Trump phenomenon.

It’s only been in the past couple of weeks that The Donald’s campaign began courting small donors, and it appears to have made a huge mark. From WaPo:

Donald Trump raised more than $26 million through online and mail solicitations and another $25 million at events with the Republican National Committee in June, his campaign announced Wednesday, a hefty haul that his allies hope will put to rest anxieties in the party about his fundraising prowess.

The combined $51 million falls short of the $68.5 million that presumptive Democratic contender Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party collected in June, which included $40.5 million she raised directly for her campaign. But it was the biggest monthly take by far for the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, who did not begin to hold fundraising events until late May. And it suggests that Trump has the ability to quickly inject large sums of money into his campaign coffers by tapping into the fervor of his supporters.

Much of the campaign’s money appears to have come in during the final 10 days of the month, when Trump’s operation began aggressively soliciting money online for the first time. The Trump campaign announced Wednesday that more than 400,000 supporters made donations in June, with more than $3 million coming in just one day. That indicates that the billionaire will be able to post far larger totals in the coming months if he continues to actively urge his backers to give.

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