My, how times have changed.
George Will hopes for a “landslide win” for HRC, believing this will ultimately be good for the GOP:
During an interview on ABC’s “Powerhouse Politics” podcast on Tuesday, columnist George Will argued that if Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump loses, it would be “the worst conceivable outcome” for the GOP, and it would help the party if Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wins with “well over 300” electoral votes. He further stated the party has to “emancipate itself from its thralldom to the indignation industry of talk radio and certain cable personalities, that I think have a paralyzing effect on the party when it tries to deal with things like immigration.”…
[Will] added that if Trump is defeated narrowly, “that’s the worst conceivable outcome for Republicans. Because then, it will be the old stab in the back theory, that but for people like [House Speaker Representative] Paul Ryan (R-WI), or [Senator] Ben Sasse (R-NE), or lesser figures like George Will, all would have been well.”
Will then argued that if Clinton wins with “well over 300” electoral votes, it would “help the Republicans.”
He continued that the GOP has to “somehow emancipate itself from its thralldom to the indignation industry of talk radio and certain cable personalities, that I think have a paralyzing effect on the party when it tries to deal with things like immigration. Until the Republican Party gets right with minorities in this country, it’s never going to win another presidential election.”
I also particularly love the way Will invariably uses a $5 word when a $1 word will do.