Mad Dog Kelly, how shall we say it… thinks quite highly of herself.
She gives her children ‘Generation Snowflake’ names like: Yates, Thatcher, and Yardley.
She thinks of herself as a ‘journalist’, feminist, and opponent of the objectification of women… yet does GQ photoshoots in her lingerie.
Megyn planned the publication of her book to be for this week, a week after the election. I believe she was fully expecting Der Trumpenfuhrer to lose, and Megyn was then going to be Fox’s Grrl Power leader in a post-Trump, post-Ailes, Hillary-led nation. (And what is up with her bizarre “Trump poisoned my coffee” innuendo in her book?)
So, we have a glowing THR profile and photo shoot (complete with tousled hair) and beautiful quotes like this, a passage which says so much more than one might think:
If many in New York City are still reeling from the election, especially in certain neighborhoods, including the liberal enclave of the Upper West Side, where Kelly lives, she has become a symbol for the disenfranchised. “I’ve had a lot of women just openly crying, come up to me and start hugging me,” she says. “As a journalist, I’m not quite sure what to say. I’m certainly not going to take a position on Trump. So I’ve just been holding them.”
I’m getting all teary-eyed.
You go, girl!