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Category Archives: History
Larry David’s Ancestral Sins
Larry David discovered an uncomfortable truth about his ancestry: In the Oct. 3 season premiere of PBS genealogy series Finding Your Roots (8 ET/PT, times may vary), David learns that they have common ancestry. And David also discovered his great-grandfather fought for the Confederacy … Continue reading
American Experience: Klansville, U.S.A. (2015)
PBS’s “American Experience: Klansville, U.S.A.” (2015) is being re-aired of late. (I wonder why?…) It’s worth watching to learn about, and garner lessons from, the rapid rise, widespread appeal, and ensuing foibles of the NC chapter of the KKK. The … Continue reading
Posted in History, White Identity
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Jacob’s Grandfather
In The New York Times (where else), one Jacob Mikanowski pens “My Grandfather, the Secret Policeman”. After describing his family’s multi-generation love affair with Communism (“The family romance with Communism began with my great-grandfather Solomon…”), the piece focuses on the … Continue reading
Gladwell on Brown v Board of Education
Here’s an interview with Malcolm Gladwell, where he throws shade upon the very faulty social science (e.g., Gunnar Myrdal’s 1944 book An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy) that informed the ridiculously consequential Brown vs. Board of Education … Continue reading
The Same Ancestors
From The Federalist Paper #2 by John Jay: I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people – a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same … Continue reading
Posted in History, Immigration, National
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Roman Mosaics Discovered in Southern France
This story has some cool pix of the discovery: Archaeologists have unearthed part of an ancient Roman city in southern France, known as Ucetia. To date, the settlement had only be known by name, and this is the first time … Continue reading
A Primer on Black Intelligence
In response to this article about how archaeologists have digitally reconstructed the face of a medieval man who died 700 years ago, commentator “Robbie” has what is probably the best encapsulation of HBD findings on black underperformance I’ve yet seen. … Continue reading
The Irish vs. The Blacks
We now know longstanding ‘alternative facts’ about the races are penetrating Culture. Proof of this is each time an outlet like the NYT feels obligated to publish stuff like “Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too”: Historians say … Continue reading
Solzhenitsyn: “200 Years Together” English Translation
Kevin MacDonald notes: There is a project to publish (long-overdue) translations of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together. So far, they have posted Chapters 2, 3, 6, and 7, with more on the way. The website is: The translation reads very smoothly and seems … Continue reading
Hugh Trevor-Roper on Africa
From the Wikipedia page for the late Oxford historian Hugh Trevor-Roper: Another aspect of Trevor-Roper’s outlook on history and on scholarly research that has inspired controversy, is his claim about the historical experiences of pre-literate societies. In accordance with Hegel … Continue reading