From the Daily Mail:
A Democratic congressman wants millions of people who hold U.S. green cards to become American citizens in order to send Donald Trump and other Republicans a message that they’re ‘mean and frankly, let’s be honest, racist.’
Louis Gutierrez, who is the senior House Democrat from Illinois and a Puerto Rican immigrant, spoke on the House floor just after 10:00 Wednesday morning, delivering a message especially to more than 5 million Hispanic U.S. residents who are eligible for citizenship today.
‘Every time you see Trump’s face on your TV, vow to learn a little more English or a few more history facts so you can take the [citizenship] test,’ he said.
Taxpayer subsidies — which I’m guessing the vast majority of illegals from Mexico would qualify for — are highlighted by Angry Louis:
Gutierrez said Wednesday morning that his plan to create millions of naturalized Hispanic-Americans is ripe because of how cheap the process has become.
‘Let me fill you in on a little secret,’ he said. ‘With fee waivers for up to 20 per cent of those applying, it is absolutely free.’
‘Becoming a citizen for free so you can make it clear that you are offended by Donald Trump – it is poetic and patriotic.’
‘Rather than renew that green card for $450,’ he urged, ‘become a citizen for about $230 more, or zero if you get the fee waiver.’
Si! Se puede!
Er…. I mean…
Free! Se puede!