From The Daily Caller:

The Clinton Foundation announced it’s laying off 22 staffers on the Clinton Global Initiative, keeping with a plan to deal with the negative spotlight put on the organization during former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Fox adds:

The Clintons are moving ahead with plans to downsize their controversial foundation’s network of offshoots, a decision carried out as the powerful family’s political influence wanes and its once-lengthy donor list shrinks.

In a decision announced last week, 22 additional employees are being laid off from the Clinton Global Initiative – known for its annual glitzy gathering of high-powered leaders and celebs. The layoffs are tied to a decision to shutter CGI that originally was announced in an Aug. 22 letter from former President Bill Clinton.

At the time, the Clintons were under pressure to explain how they would handle potential conflicts of interest with their namesake foundation if Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton were to win the White House.

BNN notes:

Peter Schweizer, Breitbart News’ editor at large and author of the book Clinton Cashpredicted the foundation would implode before the organization announced its layoffs.

In Clinton Cash, Schweizer detailed how the foundation functioned as a pay-to-play system where it accepted donations from registered lobbyists, corporations, and foreign governments while Hillary Clinton used her authority as Secretary of State to grant favors to the foundation’s benefactors.

I’m confused.

With all the good, philanthropic work CGI does, why should there be any problems… just because she didn’t win POTUS?

Plus, with Bubba and HRC now able to altruistically dedicate themselves full time to such philanthropic work, I would have expected CGI’s coffers to be overflowing.

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