Entitlement Reform & The Effect on Whites

In AmRen, Fabrizio Evola writes on ‘Why Whites Should Oppose Entitlement “Reform”’:

The current structure of Social Security favors whites…

Working-class whites support Social Security and Medicare for a simple reason—it is in their economic interest. They do not see them as undeserved “welfare,” because they have contributed to them throughout their working lives. These programs are commonly referred to as “pay-as-you-go,” meaning that today’s taxpayers fund the expenses of today’s retirees. From an actuarial point of view, the average beneficiary gets more out of Social Security and Medicare than he put in, even if interest on the contributions is included.

What this means is that younger people pay the costs for older people. This benefits whites because they are typically older than non-whites. The median age for whites is 43.3, whereas Hispanics, blacks, and Asians, have median ages of 28.7, 33.7, and 36.7, respectively. The difference is due to a large cohort of older white Americans, the Baby Boomers. Social Security and Medicare are therefore government transfer payments that benefit whites at the expense of non-whites, whereas most other forms of transfer payments shift tax dollars collected from whites into the pockets of non-whites…

Social Security and Medicare provide an additional benefit to whites because of their longevity. The life expectancy of whites is 78.9 years, whereas it is only 74.6 for blacks. Native Americans also have a lower life expectancy. Hispanics and Asians have higher life expectancies than whites, but they are only a small percentage of the elderly population.

A person can start drawing Social Security between the ages of 62 and 70, and most are eligible for Medicare at age 65. The “break even” point for most people—meaning the point at which they receive as much money as they have paid in—is typically around 77 or 78. This means that whites, on average, get more out of the program than they pay in, whereas blacks typically get less. A modification of Social Security and Medicare to benefit younger people would amount to creating yet another transfer program that gives money to non-whites at the expense of whites…

Other demographic factors also help to increase long-term benefits to whites. Recently arrived immigrant groups—particularly Asians and Hispanics—often do not receive Social Security benefits because they are less likely to have worked the requisite 10 years to qualify for retirement benefits. Their longer life expectancies therefore do not increase their payout.

Whites are also more likely than blacks or Hispanics to be married, and women tend to live longer than men. Social Security allows a surviving spouse to collect a dead spouse’s higher benefits. This means that white women often end up receiving extensive benefits even if they did not have high earnings themselves and paid little into the system. By contrast, fewer black women are married, so they get fewer survivor benefits. Blacks and other non-whites are more likely to get disability payments, but this does not make up the larger long-term benefits for whites. Overall, whites end up ahead of non-whites.

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