France: La Pen Routed

… And so the citizens of France chose to continue the policies of Socialist president Francois Hollande, with Holland-protégé Emmanuel Macron decisively beating Marine La Pen:

The pro-EU politician Emmanuel Macron has been elected as France’s youngest ever president with a projected landslide of 65.5 per cent.

Macron, 39, beat far-right National Front (FN) candidate Marine Le Pen, 48, in an election that will have widespread repercussions for the future of Europe.

An official preliminary result released at 8pm local time showed Macron received 65.5 per cent of the vote and had earned a clear 31-point victory over Le Pen.

Just 15 minutes after the exit polls were announced, Le Pen conceded and revealed she phoned Macron to ‘congratulate’ him on his election victory.

And at 11pm local time, Macron addressed thousands of his adoring supporters who had gathered at his election victory rally outside the Louvre in central Paris.

He walked across the sprawling historic courtyard to the music of Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’, the European Union anthem, and said: ‘Europe and the world are waiting for us to defend the spirit of the enlightenment everywhere.’

Macron, a 39 year old, pedigreed, metrosexual globalist, was a former Rothschild banker and finance minister in France’s Socialist Hollande government. One could say he is a ‘white Obama’… one handpicked by the socialist Hollande himself and one who poses as a non-partisan ‘outsider’, with a complicit French MSM continually describing him as such.

Macron is, in fact, your standard, globalist elitist. He defends the Schengen free-travel zone & believes Brexit is a ‘crime’. He believes that French society must assume a “share of responsibility” in the “soil in which jihadism thrives”, and that French society “must change and be more open.”

Macron is someone who has said: “There is not a French culture. There is a culture in France, and it is diverse.”

And, like Obama’s promise to “fundamentally transform” the United States, Macron promises much the same thing for France: “I am for an open society. I am for a progressive world. I do not propose to reform France; I propose to transform it at its deepest level.”

I am sure the Muslims in France are celebrating tonight, as are the country’s billionaires.

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