German Hostage Beheaded by Philippine Islamists

Meanwhile, in a completely different part of the world from the usual locales for the Islamic Beheading Fetish:

Manila (AFP) – Islamic militants in the Philippines have beheaded the German hostage they were holding for ransom, the government in Manila said Monday.

A video posted by the Abu Sayyaf group, which was monitored by intelligence group SITE, showed Jurgen Kantner being killed by a knife-wielding man…

[The Abu Sayyaf group] have frequently killed hostages if their demands are not met, and last year murdered two Canadians.

Apart from Kantner they are now holding at least 19 foreigners and seven Filipino hostages, military spokesman Brigadier General Restituto Padilla said.

The Middle East… Africa… the streets of Britain… It doesn’t matter where they are; their barbarism knows no boundaries.

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