What does Nobel-Prize winning economist Robert Shiller think about the Coming Robot Job Automation Apocalypse?
Robert Shiller, the Nobel-Prize winning economist who is the Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University, said that automation and artificial intelligence are the trends that most concern him about the economy’s prospects going forward.
“A.I. is a deeply challenging thing,” he said. “People who are growing up today don’t know if they’re preparing for the right career, and challenges associated with that could lead to secular stagnation.”…
Concerns over automation and artificial intelligence have existed for years, but talk over them has accelerated amid new technologies—such as driverless cars and “bot” programs that can mimic human speech patterns—that threaten to disrupt ever-larger segments of the economy. According to recent research, every industrial robot takes up to six jobs, meaning that up to 6 million jobs could be lost to automation over the coming decade.