Sunday Afternoon

What a glorious Sunday.

Collectively, The Cathedral is freaking out about Der Trumpenfuhrer’s recent Executive Orders.

Chuck Schumer cries about one of them:

Tim Kaine accuses President Trump of Holocaust Denial, saying the following on Meet The Press this morning:

When you have the chief political adviser in the white House, Steve Bannon who is connected with a news organization that traffics in white supremacy and anti-Semitism and they put out a Holocaust statement that omits any mention of Jews. Remember, remember earlier administrations have done these statements and the first thing you do is you pull up what earlier statements have said and the earlier staples, president Obama, and President Bush with the slaughter of Jews and the final solution was about the slaughter of Jews. We have to remember this. This is what Holocaust denial is. It’s either to deny that it happened or many Holocaust deniers acknowledge oh, yeah, people were killed and it was a lot of innocent people, Jews weren’t targeted and the fact that they did that and imposed this religious test on Muslims in the executive orders on the same day is not a coincidence.


Bannon ascends:

Washington (AFP) – Donald Trump’s controversial senior adviser Steve Bannon will have a permanent seat at White House National Security Council (NSC) meetings, solidifying his role as one of the most powerful members of the president’s inner circle.

In an executive memorandum signed on Saturday, Trump elevated Bannon, while downgrading the status of the Director of National Intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the security council’s principals committee.

The DNI and Joint Chiefs chairman now will only be present at meetings “where issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise are to be discussed,” the memorandum said.

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