The New Normal – Pt. 1,789

In France, they are resuscitating the National Guard back into existence.

The French government announced the formation of a new National Guard Friday to protect citizens facing terrorist attacks, according to a statement by President François Hollande. The move follows attacks across France that killed more than 200 people since January 2015.

Hollande said the National Guard, which is expected to become operational this fall, will be composed of volunteers from existing operating reserves, including the police, paramilitary police, and military.

A younger Le Pen has enlisted:

According to the interior ministry, around 2,500 have already answered the call, including Marion Le Pen, the Catholic niece of the right-wing Front National party leader, Marine Le Pen.

She tweeted on Tuesday: “In the West as in the East, Christians must stand up to resist Islam!” Adding: “Faced with the threat that weighs on France, I decided to join the military reserve. I invite all the young patriots to do the same.”

With increased Muslim immigration into the West, we can reasonably anticipate similar National Guards to materialize in those other Western countries which don’t already have one:

The last French National Guard, or “militia”, was disbanded in 1872. Britain’s similar Civil Defence Corps was stood down in 1968.

In the Unites States, the National Guard still helps with civilian policing and is used as a reserve military force, with the majority of participants having normal civilian jobs.

The first French National Guard was founded in Paris in 1789 in a period marred by wars with Russia and revolutionary upheaval.

Let the countdown clock begin on how long it takes England to bring their’s back.

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