Trump & Hispanics

In VDARE, ‘Washington Watcher’ has an excellent piece on Trump’s polling among Hispanics, which the MSM conveys as disastrous:

As the Media Research Center first reported, a Public Policy Polling found Trump with a favorability rating of 34% among Hispanics compared to 31% for Jeb Bush and 29% for Marco Rubio. [POLL: Trump Leads GOP Field Among Hispanics, Records 34% Favorability, by Tim Dionisopoulos, Media Research Center, July 27, 2015]

A Suffolk University poll also found among Republican Hispanics, Trump received 23% support compared to 17% for Bush and just 3% for Rubio, though it did show Trump doing worse than Bush in a head to head race against Hillary. [2016 Presidential Election National Poll Full Results, July 21, 2015]

What does this mean?

Yes, Trump is not winning the Hispanic vote in any poll. However, Trump’s 28% in a head to head race is only slightly below, or in some cases, above other Republicans against Hillary. Among Hispanics, Clinton beat out Marco Rubio 46%-31%; Scott Walker 55-24; Jeb Bush 52-32; Ted Cruz 58-28, Mike Huckabee-50-23; Chris Christie 55-26, and Carly Fiorina 61-22. A generic Democrat beats a generic Republican 57%-30% [Trump Still Leads National GOP Field, But Disaster in General, by Tom Jensen, Public Policy Polling, July 22, 2015]

What does this tell you? Depending on the poll, Trump, the man whom the media and Hispanic leaders have tarred as an anti-Latino racist xenophobe, may receive a few less Hispanic votes than Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio. And Bush and Rubio are two Amnesty/Immigration Surge supporters who have based their campaigns on their supposed ability to win reach Hispanics…

What all this shows is that Republicans do terribly among Hispanics regardless of the GOP candidate’s position on immigration. The reason is because Hispanics do not share the GOP’s values on other issues.

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