The indispensable Greg Johnson has a new book, Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country, which I am hereby plugging:
Introduction: Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country
The Problem
1. White Extinction
2. White Genocide
3. He Told Us So: Patrick Buchanan’s Suicide of a Superpower
4. Jared Taylor’s White Identity
5. Kony 2012 & Jason Russell
6. The Republican Party Must Perish
7. The Conscience of a Cuckservative
8. Ferguson, Garner, & the End of Gentrification
9. Irreconcilable Differences: The Case for Racial Divorce
Nationalism: Petty & Grandiose
10. Why I Support Scottish Independence
11. “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off”: In Defense of “Petty” Nationalism
12. Grandiose Nationalism
Ukraine & Russia
13. The Ukraine Crisis
14. The Ukraine Crisis: Taking Our Own Side
15. Kevin Strom on Russia & Ukraine
16. “North Americanism”: A Cautionary Tale
The Muslim Question
17. The Muslim Problem
18. Innocence of Muslims, Guilt of Jews, Interests of Whites
Sexual Politics
19. The “Gay Marriage” Controversy
20. Marriage: First & Second Class
21. Confessions of a “Transphobic”
22. Further Confessions of a “Transphobic”
23. Does the Manosphere Morally Corrupt Men?
24. Be Yourself?
White Economics
25. The End of Globalization
26. Money for Nothing
27. Thoughts on Debt Repudiation
28. Brooks Adams on the Romans
29. The Austrian Economic Apocalypse
30. 5 to 9 Conservatism
31. How About Fascist Medicine?
32. The Boomerang Generation
Vanguard Strategies
33. Our Struggle Too: Propaganda & Organization
34. Vanguardism, Vantardism, & Mainstreaming
35. Vantard Strategies
36. The Smartest Guy in the Room
37. Spend Yourself, Save the World
38. In My Grandiose Moments . . .