Cops: Aryan Brotherhood Targeting Blacks Who Beat WWII Vet To Death

Remember the two “teens” in Washington state who beat 88-year-old World War II veteran Delbert Belton to death for no reason?

I know, it’s hard to recall which case is which, given how prevalent black-on-white crimes like this are.

(Think about this: An 88-year old man had to spend his last moments of life being beaten to death by these two.)

From the NY Daily News:

Kenan Adams-Kindard and Demetrius Glenn, both 16, are accused of murdering Delbert Belton in Spokane, Wash. But the boys are in protective custody after cops got word the Aryan Brotherhood is offering a $10,000 bounty on the teens.

Boy… I REALLY hope the evil Aryan Brotherhood doesn’t succeed here.

It would be such a TRAGEDY if anything were to happen to Kenan and Demetrius.


Guess which are the perps and which is the victim.
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