McAuliffe: HC Will Support TPP

The ever smarmy Clinton apparatchik Terry McAuliffe says Hillary will flip on TPP if elected POTUS:

PHILADELPHIA — Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, longtime best friend to the Clintons, said Tuesday that he believes Hillary Clinton will support the TPP trade deal if elected president, with some tweaks.

“I worry that if we don’t do TPP, at some point China’s going to break the rules — but Hillary understands this,” he said in an interview after his speech on the main stage at the Democratic National Convention. “Once the election’s over, and we sit down on trade, people understand a couple things we want to fix on it but going forward we got to build a global economy.”…

And McAuliffe’s comments played directly into the image of Clinton that infuriates Sanders’ delegates — especially after her selection of Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate, who vocally supports the Obama-backed trade deal. “I have no confidence she’s against TPP,” said Christine Pellegrino, a Sanders delegate from New York. “I haven’t made up my mind about what options exist at the convention.”

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